Thursday, July 5, 2012

Morningside Ministries Celebrates Father's Day

### Assisted Living San Antonio - Morningside Ministries Celebrates Father's Day.### Advertisements
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How is Morningside Ministries Celebrates Father's Day

Morningside Ministries Celebrates Father's Day Tube. Duration : 3.22 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Assisted Living San Antonio . Witness the Stories... Regardless of our upbringings, I think we all can think of an incredible male influence we've had in our lives. Father's Day is a holiday dedicated to celebrating those great individuals we have or have had in our lives. Here at Morningside Ministries, it is our privledge and honor to be a part of our resident's lives as they "Share Their Memories" of Father's Day. With over 800 residents, Morningside Ministries is a place many Fathers now call home. These great men have strived their entire lives to be strong role models to their children, great husbands to their wives, and outstanding citizens in their respective communities. This Sunday, June 17th, lets remember the ways they've made an impact on us as we dedicate the day in their honor. The video (embedded in the text beside this) was constructed in appreciation of what Fathers everywhere do for us day after day.
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